Starting NTA methods for Waters Synapt-XS QTOF

Forums NTA Forum Instruments Starting NTA methods for Waters Synapt-XS QTOF

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  • #2594
    Ben Place

    We recently acquired a new Waters QTOF and are trying to get a “standard method” up and running on the instrument. Does anyone know of any published studies that have Waters QTOF (any model) that do a broad NTA method in environmental or biological samples? Really, we’re looking for energy, temperature, and gas settings that seem to be appropriate for differing LC flow rates/compositions.


    The only NTA method info I have found from Waters is their PFAS NTA Applications Note that uses a Xevo G2-XS QToF MS. However, it sounds like you are trying to do something more inclusive than PFAS. The note can be found at (Application Note: Approaches to Non-targeted Analyses of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Environmental Samples)


    I’d personally reach out to Angela Batt since she has a Waters QTOF. This just got published, but if I remember correctly points to other papers for some of the methods parameters.

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