January Meeting Speaker: Dr. Thomas Metz

BP4NTA is excited to introduce Dr. Thomas (Tom) Metz as the first speaker of 2024! He will be giving his talk on “The m/q Initiative at PNNL – advancing tools and methods for reference-free compound identification” on Tuesday 1/16/2024 from 12pm – 1pm EST.

Dr. Metz received a PhD in Chemistry from the University of South Carolina in 2003, then joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for post-doctoral work in mass spectrometry with Dr. Richard D. Smith, where he focused on metabolomics. He became Staff Scientist and a Principal Investigator in the Integrative Omics Group in 2005, and from 2015-2023 was the Metabolomics Team Lead for a group of scientists that focuses on development and applications of high-throughput metabolomics and lipidomics methods to various biological questions. From 2021-2023 he was President of the Metabolomics Association of North America. His research has focused primarily on developing and applying mass spectrometry-based omics approaches, including proteomics, in studies of diabetes mellitus and infectious diseases, resulting in over 200 publications to date. Currently, he is a PNNL Laboratory Fellow, the Chief Science Officer for the Biological Sciences Division, and Lead of the PNNL m/q Initiative.