New Publication – PFAS ghosts: how to identify, evaluate, and exorcise new and existing analytical interference

The recently published article in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry titled: PFAS ghosts: how to identify, evaluate, and exorcise new and existing analytical interference was a BP4NTA collaborative effort and included EPA, FDA, State laboratories, Industry, and academic researchers. The article aims to address analytical interferences in PFAS studies that use liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS). These interferences can arise when the matrix under study (e.g. surface water, tissue, soil) contains additional compounds that mimic PFAS signals in the instrumentation, leading to false positives. The main goals of this study were to (1) establish a public database for all currently known analytical interferences, (2) allow for the expansion of the database by the scientific community, and (3) to establish guidelines on how to interrogate new data for potential suspected interferents. By sharing this information, this research aims to help reduce troubleshooting time and costs for the research community as well as improve PFAS reporting accuracy in the scientific literature.

2023 BP4TNA Meet Ups!

Thank you to all the lovely BP4NTA members who came to our SETAC North America and ASMS meet-ups!

May 2024 hold more opportunities for in-person meetings and future collaborations.

January Meeting Speaker: Dr. Thomas Metz

BP4NTA is excited to introduce Dr. Thomas (Tom) Metz as the first speaker of 2024! He will be giving his talk on “The m/q Initiative at PNNL – advancing tools and methods for reference-free compound identification” on Tuesday 1/16/2024 from 12pm – 1pm EST.

Dr. Metz received a PhD in Chemistry from the University of South Carolina in 2003, then joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for post-doctoral work in mass spectrometry with Dr. Richard D. Smith, where he focused on metabolomics. He became Staff Scientist and a Principal Investigator in the Integrative Omics Group in 2005, and from 2015-2023 was the Metabolomics Team Lead for a group of scientists that focuses on development and applications of high-throughput metabolomics and lipidomics methods to various biological questions. From 2021-2023 he was President of the Metabolomics Association of North America. His research has focused primarily on developing and applying mass spectrometry-based omics approaches, including proteomics, in studies of diabetes mellitus and infectious diseases, resulting in over 200 publications to date. Currently, he is a PNNL Laboratory Fellow, the Chief Science Officer for the Biological Sciences Division, and Lead of the PNNL m/q Initiative.

Environmental Mass Spectrometry at the Center for Urban Waters: Post-Doctoral Scholar/Researcher

The Environmental Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the Center for Urban Water (CUW) is an environmental research facility that performs globally innovative studies on novel organic contaminants in marine and freshwater systems. We are especially interested in evaluating the sources, fate, characteristics, transport, and implications of contaminant chemicals entering the environment, especially those present in roadway runoff, tire rubbers and associated microplastics, and related biological matrices. We are seeking a motivated, curious, and creative Post-Doctoral Scholar to support our ongoing research projects while developing their professional skills. The position is an exciting opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the Puget Sound region, including globally relevant studies focused on chemical contaminants in urban/roadway systems.

The successful candidate will focus on understanding of the fate, transport, and treatment of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment, especially compounds derived from tire rubbers and within roadway runoff. We are especially interested in expertise with high resolution mass spectrometry techniques for the identification of novel contaminants and assessment of their fate in receiving waters, treatment systems, and biota. Familiarity with QTOF platforms, Agilent software, statistical analyses of large data sets, computational and statistical data analysis, machine learning, and innovative sample processing are especially valued. The candidate will support exploratory research, method development, several ongoing projects, and contribute to research proposals. The candidate will help lead our research group and projects while working with a broad collaborative team of environmental researchers, including undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral scientists, research scientists, technicians, and academic faculty.

The initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of extending depending on performance and availability of funds. To apply, please email a cover letter describing your research experience and interests, a detailed CV, three references, and your best peer-reviewed publication to Ed Kolodziej (koloj [at]

Dr. Katherine T. Peter receives the BP4NTA Outstanding Service Award

BP4NTA is happy to announce that Dr. Katherine T. Peter is the first ever “BP4NTA Outstanding Service Award” recipient, for her exemplary contributions to the group. Kathy’s innovative ideas, widely utilized products, and unparalleled leadership continue to profoundly impact the BP4NTA working group and the entire NTA community.

The ability of BP4NTA to successfully achieve the group’s goals has always been dependent on voluntary contributions from its members. To formally recognize an outstanding BP4NTA member who has developed ideas for innovative products, led planning and development meetings, produced BP4NTA products of exceptionally high quality and impact, promoted BP4NTA activities and products via internal and external outreach, and conducted all activities while maintaining a respectful, professional, and inclusive environment, Christine and Ruth (as BP4NTA co-chairs) have established the annual “BP4NTA Outstanding Service Award.” We look forward to recognizing other outstanding BP4NTA members in the coming years!

Congratulations Kathy!