Events and Organizations


A list of conferences, symposia, and other events featuring non-targeted analysis. Submit events to add to our list using the Contact form. Also, please use the form to let us know if you are presenting. We love highlighting BP4NTA membership!

BP4NTA holds monthly meetings, alternating business discussions with presentations by Non-Targeted Analysis practitioners (including non-BP4NTA members). Join us the 3rd Tuesday of every month, at 12 pm EST!


These organizations host events and publications where NTA is featured and have many NTA scientist members

American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS):
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC):
SETAC North American Chemistry Interest Group:
American Chemical Society:
NORMAN Network:
Metabolomics Quality Assurance and Quality Control:
Metabolomics Info: 
Metabolomics Society: 

Past Events