Working Group Updates

In May 2021 BP4NTA handed the reins over to new co-chairs. Congratulations to Christine Fisher and Ruth Marfil-Vega, the new co-chairs, and thank you to Elin Ulrich and Benjamin Place, the outgoing chairs and founders of BP4NTA.

Additionally, we have officially appointed several committee chairs who lead important efforts within the working group. Kathy Peter and Allison Phillips are chairing the Study Reporting Tool committee, which is responsible for the creation and maintenance of an NTA Study Reporting Tool. A publication introducing the official BP4NTA SRT is currently in review! Seth Newton and Sara Nason are the website managers, and have been working on the site since its inception in 2020. Natalia Soares Quinete is our publications committee chair and leads outreach efforts to journal editors and reviewers. Tarun Anumol and Elin Ulrich lead the external affiliations committee, and Benjamin Place is our documents manager. Special thanks to all committee chairs for their ongoing efforts to support the working group!

You can find additional information about our leadership team as well as their contact information on our new Leadership page. All team members are volunteers with experience in non-targeted analysis using mass spectrometry. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions related to BP4NTA.

Stay tuned for additional updates! We have two publications in review, and associated web content that will be published once the manuscripts are accepted! This includes an NTA study reporting tool, reference content describing the many aspects of NTA methodology, and a glossary of NTA terms. Additionally we will be stepping up our efforts on the blog and featuring the NTA researchers who will be presenting at upcoming BP4NTA meetings. Contact us to join the BP4NTA working group and stay up to date on all our happenings.