SERMACS Session on NTA Methods and Applications

The following session will be held at the South East Regional Meeting of ACS in Durham, North Carolina, October 25-28, 2023:

Title: Methods and Applications of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Chairs: Elin Ulrich and James McCord

High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) instrumentation has utility for answering questions in public health, environmental, agricultural, biological ‘omics, medical, regulatory, and other topic areas. Whether small (e.g., metabolites, pollutants) or large (e.g., proteins) molecules are of interest, HRMS can be a useful data collection tool. Applications of HRMS require care to ensure confident and reproducible detection, identification, classification, and quantification of species of interest – whether known or unknown. This session will discuss development and applications of HRMS across topic areas. Topics of interest for this session include (but are not limited to): instrumentation and related advances (e.g., ion mobility, chromatography/online sample prep, detectors); methods development; performance evaluation for HRMS methods (e.g., selectivity, sensitivity, reporting uncertainty); quality assurance; and real-world applications of HRMS.