I have a dataset of WWTP effluent from 3 different plants. Samples were collected throughout the year and we’re looking for features that have significant variation between seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer). We have a different n for each season at each plant (e.g. WWTP1: Spring (n=17), Fall (n=6), Summer (n=10), Winter (n=2)- not ideal, I know). I’m assuming this would be un-paired data, is that correct? On one hand, temporal sampling could be considered “before and after”, but on the other, since I don’t have equal sample sizes for each season, I don’t know if I can even perform a paired test and so for that reason, it seems like maybe it’s un-paired. I am planning on using a Wilcox un-paired test with a BH FDR adjustment. What other tests would stats-savvy folks use for this?