We’ve struggled with definitions related to NTA since the beginning of BP4NTA. Jon Sobus recently sent these around to a few folks. Curious if anyone has thoughts, strong reactions, edits, or agreement?
“NTA” is a generic umbrella term that captures all analyses that don’t involve target analytes and standards (i.e., everything listed below).
“De novo NTA” (I’m not a fan of “True NTA” but that’s what I’m referring to here) involves formula and structural identification based on investigation of spectra and first principles analysis.
“Non-target screening” (the preferred term of NORMAN) involves peak picking, formula estimation, and structure searching using local libraries or large databases (this is closest to what I do).
“Suspect screening” is a specific procedure in which acquired MS data are scanned (without peak picking, I think) for the presence of ions present in a user-defined list of true sample suspects (i.e., things which are actually believed to be present in the sample based on prior knowledge or logical expectation – this activity does NOT involve using large generic chemical libraries).