Several publications and other products have resulted for the BP4NTA group or subgroups. See our Google Scholar page, our Figshare page or view the list of publications below:
- An Introduction to the Benchmarking and Publications for Non-Targeted Analysis Working Group – Place, Benjamin J., et al. Analytical chemistry 93.49 (2021): 16289-16296.
- Nontargeted Analysis Study Reporting Tool: A Framework to Improve Research Transparency and Reproducibility – Peter, Katherine T., et al. Analytical chemistry 93.41 (2021): 13870-13879.
- Standardizing non-targeted analysis reporting to advance exposure science and environmental epidemiology – Phillips, Allison L., et al. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology (2023): 1-4.
- Exploring chemical space in non-targeted analysis: a proposed ChemSpace tool – Black, Gabrielle; Lowe, Charles, et al. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415.1 (2023): 35-44.
- Approaches for assessing performance of high-resolution mass spectrometry–based non-targeted analysis methods – Fisher, Christine M.; Peter Katherine T., et al. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414.22 (2022): 6455-6471.
- Communicating with Stakeholders to Identify High-Impact Research Directions for Non-Targeted Analysis – Sara L. Nason, James McCord, et al. Analytical Chemistry DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c04801